
說到30 Seconds to Mars,就一定要介紹這首MV,因為這部MV可是在中國浙江橫店拍的哦~這可是一項創舉呢!從來都沒有美國人到中國拍MV的,當然所花費金額也不貲(聽說1,200,000),不過一如30 Seconds to Mars的風格,Jared操刀當音樂錄影帶導演,MV也請到一堆大陸人民,有小皇帝、奴隸、老人、慈禧太后…等等,充滿歷史風格,連MV都充斥著字正腔圓的中文哦:P 而想當然爾,Jared. Shannon. Tomo. Matt都有穿中國傳統服飾,還有戴面具、穿戰袍,最令我津津樂道的是,Jared還有半裸上身披穿龍袍呢~^//^~哈~當然最後還有放煙火,整個場景真是超迷人、超令人感動的^^

不過說起這部MV,在歐美放映時,果然一如所料造成廣大迴響和熱烈回應,但在中國地區,似乎造成不少爭議,因為有些對中國歷史堅持的人,很在意傳統細節,可能認為外國人不懂詳細中國歷史而拍攝出來的一些地方和歷史有些出入吧= =||,說實在的,我並沒有在意那麼多,這只是MV耶!為何要牽扯這麼多?而且這麼大的樂團來大陸拍MV,應該感到榮幸吧?而且MV撥出後,讓全世界各地人知道更多中國歷史和東方美,不是很好嗎!?我是這麼覺得啦!



【From Yesterday】     Lyrics and song all by 30 Seconds to Mars

He's a stranger to some And a vision to none
He can never get enough, Get enough of the world

For a fortune he'd quit But it's hard to admit How it ends and begins
On his face is a map of the world (A map of the world)
On his face is a map of the world (A map of the world)

From yesterday, it's coming From yesterday, the fear
From yesterday, it calls him But he doesn't want to read the message

On a mountain he sits Not of gold but of shit
Through the blood he can look See the life that he took

From a council of one He'll decide when he is done with the innocent
On his face is a map of the world (A map of the world)
On his face is a map of the world (A map of the world)

From yesterday, it's coming From yesterday, the fear
From yesterday, it calls him But he doesn't want to read the message
He doesn't want to read the message
He doesn't want to read the message

On his face is a map of the world

From yesterday, it's coming From yesterday, the fear
From yesterday, it calls him But he doesn't want to read the message
From yesterday, From yesterday, From yesterday, the fear

From yesterday, From yesterday,
But he doesn't want to read the message
He doesn't want to read the message
He doesn't want to read the message

    創作者 caril 的頭像

    Caril's blog

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