【News from Slash】
"More complete image of the song work board. 17 tracks total. Will announce release date very soon. RnFn'R iiii]; )' "
"Actually,it's 16 songs & 1 instrumental. My bad. iiii]; )' "
Slash今早又在推特上公布新專輯的消息囉~有16首歌和1首背景樂,共17首歌也太強了吧!! ^O^ 每次Slash推特上字尾都會有他的標誌:高帽叼煙樣~ iiii]; )' 其實我覺得超可愛超具代表的 :)
【About Song Title 關於歌名】
Image of 17 songs about Slash Feat. Myles & Co. new album! The song titles are super cool and funny that I LOL. >w<
關於Slash Feat Myles & Co. 新專輯中17首歌的進度圖表,左邊行是歌曲,右邊列是個人負責的部份。仔細一看歌名也太有趣了吧www 我看也只有Slash有膽取這些歌名XD 可是我真的看半天也看不出第13首是什麼字?有誰可以幫忙回答嗎?
1. Presents
2. I wanna pull your hair
3. Rhapsody in B
4. It puts the lotion on its synard
5. Guinness Stomp
6. Cheap Dick
7. Severe Road Riff
8. Safari Inn
9. Manual Automation
10. You're the Truth
11. Fast Gee Rocks
12. F# You!
13. Ekphrasis Rus!
14. Noho Blues
15. Music to Murder Your GF by
16. Gardner St.
17. Dirty Girl