姓名Name: 傑瑞德列托Jared Leto [Leh-toe] (
身高Height: 五呎十一吋5' 11'' (約180cm)
髮色Hair: 褐色Brown
眼睛Eyes: 藍色Blue (超迷人的^^)
生日Birth Date: December 26, 1971
出生地Birth Place: 路易斯安那州Bossier City, Louisiana
星座Birth Sign: 魔羯座Capricorn
國藉Nationality: 美國American
職業Occupation: 演員/歌手Actor/Musician
學歷Education: 費城藝術大學(主修繪畫)University of the Arts in Philadelphia [painting major], 紐約藝術學院(主修電影)The School of Visual Arts in New York [film major], 北牛頓高中Newton North High School.
興趣Hobbies: 滑雪Snowboarding, 滑板skateboarding, 健行hiking, 寫歌writing songs, 閱讀reading, 繪畫painting
喜好物Favorite food: 爆米花Popcorn, 蔬菜vegetables and 熱巧克力Hot chocolate.
情史Significant Other[s]: 史卡蕊嬌涵森Scarlet Johansson [2004], 小甜甜布蘭妮Britney Spears [2003], 卡麥蓉狄亞Cameron Diaz [1999-2003], Kristi McDaniel [1995-1996].
家庭Family: 父親(已故)Father [deceased], 母親mother [Constance], 哥哥brother [Shannon Leto], 二位胞弟and two half-brothers from father's second marriage.
寵物Pets: 一隻狼犬Half-wolf/一隻哈士奇half-husky dogs [Judas and Pythagarus]
成名作Claim to Fame: 電視影集“甜蜜芳心”Jordan Catalano in My So-Called Life.
事蹟Fun Facts: 1996.1997年獲選時人雜誌最美麗50人Leto was chosen as one of People Magazine's 50 Most Beautiful People in 1996 and in 1997.
- Apr 21 Sat 2007 16:38
傑瑞德列托 Jared Leto ☆小檔案☆