【電影作品Actor - filmography】
[2007] 27章 Chapter 27 .... Marl David Chapman
[2006] 芳心謀殺案 Lonely Hearts .... Raymond Fernandez
[2005] 軍火之王 Lord of War .... Vitali Orlof
[2004] 亞歷山大帝Alexander .... Hephaestion
[2002] 顫慄空間 Panic Room .... Junior
[2002] 高速驚魂 Highway .... Jack Hayes
[2001] Sol Goode .... Sage [Rock Star Wannabe]
[2000] 性、明星、搖滾樂Sunset Strip .... Glen Walker
[2000] 噩夢輓歌Requiem for a Dream .... Harry Goldfarb
[2000] 美國殺人魔American Psycho .... Paul Allen
[1999] 女生向前走Girl, Interrupted .... Tobias 'Toby' Jacobs
[1999] 鬥陣俱樂部Fight Club .... Angel Face
[1999] 黑白之間Black And White .... Casey
[1998] 紅色警戒The Thin Red Line .... Lt. Whyte
[1998] 下一個就是你Urban Legend .... Paul Gardener
[1998] 慾望迷宮Basil .... Basil
[1997] 極速殺機Switchback .... Lane Dixon
[1997] 阿普正傳Prefontaine .... Steve Prefontaine
[1996] Summer Fling .... Frankie Griffin
[1995] 編織戀愛夢How to Make an American Quilt .... Beck
[1994] [TV] The Cool and the Crazy .... Michael
[1994] TV Series 甜蜜芳心My So-Called Life .... Jordan Catalano

The Core [2003] [song "Echelon"]

Sol Goode [2001] [co-producer]

Himself - filmography
Shooting 'Panic Room' [2004] [V] .... Himself
Hollywood High [2003] [TV] .... Himself
The Making of 'Panic Room' [2002] [TV] .... Himself
The Making of 'Requiem for a Dream [2001] [V] .... Himself
2001 IFP/West Independent Spirit Awards, The [2001] [TV] [uncredited] .... Himself

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