自從最近文章寫了30 Seconds to Mars及Linkin Park後,有不少好友、朋友都很意外且驚奇地來詢問我怎麼會喜歡搖滾樂?看不出我喜歡這種音樂耶!
說到第一個也是開始影響我的人,是在我國中時,聽到的一首歌-【Love and Affection】,這是由一對雙胞胎組成的樂團-《Nelson》,是二個金髮碧眼的長頭髮帥哥組成的哦,哥哥叫Matthew Nelson,弟弟叫Gunnar Nelson,兩個人長得一模一樣,唯一可分辨的就是弟弟頭上會綁頭巾,還有二個人的個性,哥哥穩重溫柔,弟弟活潑外向。還記得大我二歲的堂姐帶著我去參加他們來台小型簽唱會,沒有門票卻硬是混了進去,這是我第一次參加外國藝人的演唱會,記憶還很深刻呢!當時聽現場Live震撼到回家狂寫日記,當然我寫的這一篇還保存在我房間,呵呵,蠻有趣的回憶,最近翻出來看了一下,發現國中的字還真醜XDD,呵,不重要!重要的是保留了這一段回憶…
自從聽過了Nelson後,我開始愛上這類型的歌,我覺得一部份的原因是這種音樂節拍強烈,可以讓我用力聆聽、大聲跟著唱,也有一種發洩的意味,我想是吧…接下來,我喜歡了日本樂團- Wands,這個樂團可是唱了好幾首膾炙人口的歌哦,像是-世界中の誰よりきっと、世界が終るまでは(灌藍高手片尾曲),接下來喜歡Bon Jovi(邦喬飛). L'Arc~en~Ciel(彩虹樂團)…等等。
直到三年前,我看了亞歷山大帝,喜歡其中飾演亞歷山大帝同志愛人的Jared Leto後,成立他的家族,進而發現他成立的樂團- 30 Seconds to Mars(三十秒上火星)後,發現這正是我狂愛的alternative rock呀!他們現在變成我最愛的樂團哦!
除此之外,一些喜歡搖滾樂的同事也會介紹我一些他們喜歡的樂團,像Linkin Park. Green day. The calling. Neckleback…等等,我也嘗試去聽聽哦,呵~我想我還是會繼續喜歡rock/alternative rock下去,所以,別太驚訝呀^^
In English:
Actually, I have love alternative rock music for a long time..(almost seventeen years I think)
...Which artist or group or song made me an alternative rock fan?..
Let me remind...Yes, I got it! It's Nelson that made me an alternative rock fan. Nelson is a glam metal band founded by the twin Matthew and Gunnar Nelson. They had a No. 1 hit in the United States with "(Can't Live Without Your) Love and Affection". Here is some introduction-
Nelson.. I remember that I had ever seen them in a miniture concert in Taiwan when I studied in junior high school school. It's the first time I join the live of alternative rock and really amazed me a lot. Then, I love this kind of music and try to find something like this. I have liked Wands (Japan). L'Arc~en~Ciel (Japan). Bon Jovi..and so on. I have caught 30STM from three years ago and totally allured by them. They become my favorite band indeed.
Besides, my colleagues who like this kind of music also recommand some bands to me, just like Linkin Park. Green day. The calling. Neckleback..etc, I will also like it. ^^
- Aug 19 Sun 2007 18:45
Attack for rock/alternative rock?