【Mini Biography 簡介】
㊣ Myles Kennedy㊣
Birth name:Myles Richard Bass
Date of Birth:27 November 1969
生日:1969/11/27 Boston, Massachusetts,United States( 今年44歲←完全看不出來XD
Origin:Spokane, Washington, USA
Height:5' 10¾" (1.8 m)
身高:5尺10 3/4寸(約180cm)
Spouse:Selena Frank (27 May 2003 - present)
配偶:Selena 從2003年5月至今
Associated Act 所屬樂團:
Alter Bridge. Slash Feat Myles & Co. The Mayfield Four. Citizen Swing. Cosmic Dust
Trade Mark:Four-octave vocal range
Trivia 其他:
*His father Richard passed away when Myles was 4 years old. Myles' mother went on to marry a minister and Myles' took his last name, Kennedy.
**Possesses a 4-octave vocal range, with his longest held on note timed at 22 seconds (in Mayfield Four's "Summergirl") his longest note streak with one breath is 31 seconds in Alter Bridge's "Blackbird").
擁有四個八度音域和長音。表現在「Summer Girl」中22秒連續音及「Blackbird」中長達31秒音(只有一次短暫換氣
***Influenced by the likes of Led Zeppelin, Alice in Chains, Soundgarden, Guns N' Roses, andU2, as well as Radiohead, Jeff Buckley, and Marvin Gaye.
****Was offered an opportunity to join Velvet Revolver (the band made up of ex-Guns N' Roses band members), but he turned down the offer.
前槍與玫瑰成立的樂團Velvet Revolver原本邀請Myles加入他們樂團,但被Myles婉拒了。
Source 資料來源:
IMDb (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1042872/bio)
Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myles_Kennedy)