Here is the pick collection and set list of mine so far. It’s not too many but they are all gather within one year. Usually I don’t have luck of pick or set list in live even though I joined so many shows recently. My first pick was from a beautiful woman – Tamara I met in AB Tokyo show and she gave me the Myles’ white pick after Osaka AB show on Feb 19, 2014. After that, I got picks sometimes and many from AB or SMKC shows. So each pick has its own story.
這是我目前收集到的吉他彈片和歌單,雖然不多但是這些都是在一年之內收集到的。通常我都沒有撿PICK運氣和命即便我參加過不少樂團演唱會。我的第一個吉他來自於一位美麗的混血兒- Tamara,我和她在AB東京演唱會認識然後在大阪演唱會她看我什麼都沒拿到所以好心送我Myles的PICK!(大感謝!)從此之後我開始偶有拿PICK的運氣,但大部份都和AB或SMKC有關。讓我來介紹一下每個PICK的來源~
From top to bottom 由上到下
1. Myles Kennedy’s red pick (Vocalist/Guitarist from Alter Bridge):
From Alter Bridge live in Seattle on Oct 22, 2014. Myles threw it to me but fell on the ground in front of fence, later I requested security to pick up for me then he finally brought it for me J
2. Myles Kennedy’s white pick (Vocalist/Guitarist from Alter Bridge):
From Alter Bridge live in Osaka on Feb 19, 2014. I got nothing in the show and felt so sad when going out then I met Tamara and murmur. Then she gave me Myles’ white pick as a gift to comfort me. (She is really so nice)
來自於2014年2月18日AB在日本大阪演唱會,當天演唱會什麼都沒拿到,PICK也搶不過日本暴力男,很難過離開會場在外面碰到Tamara,她知情後就從口袋拿出一個Myles白色PICK送我當禮物,超感謝她的 <3
3. Mark Tremonti black pick (Guitarist from Alter Bridge):
From Alter Bridge live in San Francisco on Oct 25, 2014. When autographing in VIP session, I told to Mark that I come from Taiwan then he just put one pick in from of me then said “give you”. WoW
出於AB 2014年10月25日舊金山演唱會。我有買VIP套票,當和團員簽名時我和他說我來自台灣,他就把一枚PICK移到我面前說給哦!哇嗚~
4. Todd Dammit Kerns white pick (Bassist from Slash Feat. Myles & Co.)
From Slash Feat. Myles Kennedy and the Conspirators live in Shinkiba, Tokyo on Feb 10, 2015. Same situation from last time in Osaka, I got nothing at all then met Tamara after show, then she shared one pick for me again. (Super nice!)
出自於SMKC 2015年2月10日在東京新木場演唱會,和去年AB大阪演唱會如出一轍,沒拿到半點東西結果又在演唱會後碰到美麗的Tamara,她又分享一枚吉他彈片給我,是我也喜歡的貝斯手Todd的 ^_^
5. Slash white Titty pick (Guitarist from Slash Feat. Myles & Co.)
From Slash Feat. Myles Kennedy and the Conspirators live in O-East, Tokyo on Feb 12, 2015. I got nothing at all again in live and after show, some Japanese guy gave this to me. Thanks him as I even don’t know who he is!
出自於SMKC 2015年2月12日東京涉谷演唱會。一樣搶不到半枚吉他或歌單,結果有個好心陌生日本男子給我這PICK,居然是吉他神Slash的!(大驚!!)
6. Brian Marshall black pick (Bassist from Alter Bridge):
From Alter Bridge live in San Francisco on Oct 25, 2014. After live finished, band members threw picks to audiences and I saw Brian threw three picks to others. Then he walked toward me, winked at me and handed me a pick. WoW, this’ first time I had this kind of experience and felt so special. Thanks so much, Brian!
出於AB 2014年10月25日舊金山演唱會。演唱會結束後團員狂丟PICK和鼓棒,我看到Brian丟了三個PICK後,走向我,對我眨了單眼,然後把最後一個PICK塞進我手中!!我的天兒~平常都看別人被團員塞PICK,沒想到我也有這樣的際遇,第一次感受到特別,謝謝Brian(鞠躬~
7. Glenn Hughes green pick (Vocalist from California Breed):
From opening band of AB live in Seattle on Oct 22, 2014. After California Breed live, the clerk clean up the stage then threw some picks to audiences. One fell on shoulder of one security, I told to Junya who’s just met in the show) and he grabbed it. Then he gave this to me and said “it’s for memory”. Nice to meet you in Seattle and thanks again. J
出自AB 2014年10月22日AB西雅圖演唱會開場樂團,在California Breed表演完後工作人員上台收樂器然後一把丟PICK,我看到一枚掉在保全肩膀上於是跟剛認識的日本男子順也桑說,他擠過去抓回那枚PICK,我們研究一下PICK後他就把這PICK給我說:當作紀念。
8. Kent Brooks white pick (Bassist from Like A Storm):
From opening band of AB live in San Francisco on Oct 25, 2014. This is first time I watched Like A Storm live and really enjoyed it. When Kent threw picks to audience, I waved my hands and he actually threw to my side but I couldn’t get it. Janette also helped me to find this one then finally an American fan stood behind us said he got it and if I really like it, he can give me. Finally I got this one.
出自AB 2015年10月25日舊金山演唱會開場樂團。我是第一次聽Live A Storm,他們現場很棒我很融入現場演唱。中間我們這側的貝斯手Kent丟PICK時我狂揮手,他是朝我這邊丟沒錯但彈到後方去。同行的Janette媽媽也幫我找,所幸後方有位美國歌迷看到我們在找,就說:如果我這麼喜歡的話,就給我好了。(笑)
9. Synyster Gates black pick (Guitarist from Avenged Sevenfold):
From A7X live in Taipei on Jan 16, 2015. Originally I got nothing at all in live or after show. Then I waited for a while, when staff cleaned the stage, he threw one pick from stage to the venue. I saw it and ran fast to pick it up. It’s Syn’s pick. :D Lucky!
10. Set List (from Alter Bridge Fortress Tour 2014)
From Alter Bridge live in San Francisco on Oct 25, 2014. After live finished, Mark tore up the setlist from ground then walked close to the edge of stage. Many fans in the first and second rows wanted to grab this but Mark pointed to me directly and passed the paper to me straightly then nobody knew it’s delicate to me. Mark is so nice to do this and I feel much blast.
演唱會歌單(AB 2014堅固堡壘秋季美國巡迴):