記得以前說過我喜歡的美國另類搖滾樂團,其中之一是來自洛杉磯的「Incubus」(中譯:重擊樂團),其實在兩千年前他們非常紅,但其實他們很紅的時候我並沒有發現這個團體。會知道Incubus進而愛上他們是在2009年荷蘭主管來台灣出差時帶兩張copy CD給我,說我喜歡30 Seconds to Mars應該會喜歡這兩團(因為出差去荷蘭時間接知道我們兩個都愛搖滾樂也愛看演唱會)而這兩張CD代表兩個樂團,一個是「Foo Fighters」,而另一個就是「Incubus」…
話說這張Incubus的專輯,就是賣破百萬張的2004年專輯「A Crow Left of the Murder」,第一次聽時,相對覺得他們沒有非常搖滾(因為第一首歌),但越聽覺得越好聽,重點是主唱歌聲是我喜歡的類型。後來陸續許多次專輯,其中這首「Southern Girl」雖然不是主打歌,但他的曲調淡淡幽幽的我很喜歡,坐捷運時會莫名想起弦律,後來去買了正版CD,又認真查了一下這首歌詞,才發覺,哇~
"Southern Girl"
Is everything a baited hook?
And are there locks on all doors?
If you're looking for an open book
Look no further, I am yours
We'll behave like animals
Swing from tree to tree
We can do anything
That turns you up and sets you free
You're an exception to the rule
You're a bonafide rarity
You're all I ever wanted
Southern girl
Could you want me?
So come outside and walk with me
We'll try each other on to see if we fit
And with our roots, become a tree
To shade what we make, under it
We'll behave like animals
Swing from tree to tree
We can do anything
That turns you up and sets you free
You're an exception to the rule
You're a bonafide rarity
You're all I ever wanted
Southern girl
Could you want me?
And are there locks on all doors?
If you're looking for an open book
Look no further, I am yours
We'll behave like animals
Swing from tree to tree
We can do anything
That turns you up and sets you free
You're an exception to the rule
You're a bonafide rarity
You're all I ever wanted
Southern girl
Could you want me?
So come outside and walk with me
We'll try each other on to see if we fit
And with our roots, become a tree
To shade what we make, under it
We'll behave like animals
Swing from tree to tree
We can do anything
That turns you up and sets you free
You're an exception to the rule
You're a bonafide rarity
You're all I ever wanted
Southern girl
Could you want me?
本來之前一直想看演唱會版本,但因為這不是主打歌而且Incubus有太多成名曲,似乎就是一直沒唱過,沒想到今天順手查一下就發現去年巡迴時主唱Brandon有唱耶~雖然畫面不是很清楚,但是可以聽到主唱的唱功哦~然後還會聽到錄影像的歌迷一直Oh my god! Fxxk! 一直喊,就可以想像她當時多驚喜,不過連我這個半路出家的歌迷也很興奮,更何況是現場的她呢~
