其實很早之前就想介紹30 Seconds to Mars的歌了,只是一直都沒有機會也沒有時間用,而且我比較不想用一些制式化的官方檔案或音樂,所以才一直拖到現在。幸運的是五月份我去了東京參加了30 Seconds to Mars演唱會,看到Jared Live演唱,內心澎湃不已,雖然距今已經快三個月了,但只要我一聽到演唱會的那幾首歌,腦海中馬上浮現當時演唱會的狀況,Jared英俊的臉龐、迷人的嗓音、帥氣的動作都會一一映入眼簾,我真的不誇張,我連哪個段落、哪個地方,J大說了什麼話我都記憶猶新,呵 ^O^ 好啦!好啦!我知道我很誇張啦!沒辦法,我就是對這種既帥又有型、有才能、有唱功實力派搖滾歌手情有獨鍾,從國中時期就喜歡抒情搖滾的樂團囉!
這次不是要介紹一些主打歌或有MV的歌,而是一首因為看了演唱會才愛上的歌哦!神奇吧!老實說起來,因為這首歌沒有比主打歌強烈,所以一直以來聽整卷專輯都覺得好聽、讚!但不會特別去記歌名,直到30 Seconds to Mars Live演唱這首,我才瘋狂愛上他,尤其是中間那部份- 「Don’t save me! Don’t save me! Cause I don’t care~」超讚的!而且這首歌Jared左右搖擺帥到一個不行,深深烙印在我心中呢!附加一點,其實我還蠻幸運聽到這首歌的Live,因為據所知,30STM是在今年巡迴演唱時才加入這首歌,去年之前的都沒有哦!真是開心兼幸運~ ☆
好啦!來看看30 Seconds to Mars的精彩演出吧,不過拍攝時畫質不太好,有雜音又一直搖晃(請原諒,因為現場很high),但是還是可以親身體會一下哦~
☆★ Savior ★☆ lyrics and song all by 30 STM
Until you crash Until you burn Until you lie Until you learn Until you see Until you believe
Until you fight Until you fall Until the end of everything at all Until you die Until you're alive
Don't save me, don't save me, cuz I don't care Don't save me, don't save me, cuz I don't care
Until you give Until you've used Until you've lost Until you lose Until you see, how could you believe?
Until you've lived a thousand times Until you've seen the other side This is my chance, this is my chance
Don't save me, don't save me, cuz I don't care Don't save me, don't save me, cuz I don't care
Until the truth becomes a lie Until you change, until you deny Until you believe
This is my chance, this is my chance I'll take it now because I can This is my chance, I want it now
Don't save me, don't save me, cuz I don't care Don't save me, don't save me, cuz I don't care
Save me, save me, save me Save me, save me, save me I don't care
- Jul 30 Mon 2007 21:32
30 Seconds to Mars - 《Savior》